Philip-M's Art Gallery for 1999

aka, "Transitions"

1999, so far, has been a year of adjustments. Things are happening in my life which has been a drain on my psyche, but I'm still hanging in there, with the help of my friends. Serendipity 3 continues to slowly be written (and I mean SLOWLY)... It hasn't been given up on, but Real Life concerns and distractions have taken priority. I still continue to draw and color stuff, but not as often due to time constraints. But I still enjoy it, and some of my most recent works can be seen below.

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All Serendipity characters on this page (Devon, Angelica, Aerianne, Arisa, Philip, Gaia, "Malakite", "Arashi", Rufus Brown) are Copyright (c) Magnetic Terrapin Studios and Philip Moyer, 1993-1999. Cantata Jones is Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Amy Borden. Alice Barnes and Flora of the Falcons are Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Mason Kramer. Kallisti, the Dark Goddess, is Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Larry Mann. Gina Diggers, Britanny Diggers, and Brianna Diggers are Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Fred Perry. Jordan, Seraph of Judgement is Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Elizabeth McCoy. The In Nomine art presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the In Nomine system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games. All other characters depicted here are copyright their respective creators and whatnot, since I'm not about to look all this up while at work. *wg* No infringement or disrespect is implied by these images, and no profit was made from them.

Philip's World / Philip Moyer / pmoyerWHATWOULDIDOjuraiWITHOUTIBMnet