X-Men CD Review

X-Men: Original Soundtrack Teichiku Records Co. TMCN-20002
14 Dec 1994
27:43 (6 tracks)

No, this is not a misprint. There is a Japanese X-Men Soundtrack, and this is it. For those of you who may not know, Shogakukan purchased the rights to show the popular American animated television series X-Men in Japan. In doing so, they also did what they usually do with imported TV shows--chop off the original opening and closing credits and make their own. This is good news for fans, because the Japanese opening animations (there are two) are amazing, and the songs are quite good. The two openings have fantastic animation and are based on Jim Lee's version of the X-Men. The animation is top-notch and the songs are a good match for the flavor and energy of the animation. The ending theme is a slow ballad and works nicely with the ending, which is a collection of images from the American comic (mostly covers) since Shogakukan seems to have spent most of their budget doing the opening credits.
The CD contains both openings, "Rising," and "Dakishimetai Dare Yori Mo [I Want to Hold You More Than Anyone]," both of which are heavy-hitting, fast rock songs. "Rising" is the hardest song on the CD, complete with ominous chords, guitar riffs, gritty vocals and a driving energy that propels the song forward at a fast pace. "Dakishimetai Dare Yori Mo," the second opening, is my favorite, both for style and for lyric content. The style for this particular song is a little lighter than "Rising," and it has more of a pop rock feel to it rather than a heavy metal edge. I had this song stuck in my head for about a week after I first heard it and I have been looking for the full-length version ever since. The ending song, "Back to You," is a slow ballad and is a nice contrast to the openings. The rest of the tracks are instrumental, and feature some nice guitar and synthesizer work and an amazing amount of contrast.
All of the music on the CD is done by the group Ambience, and as Japanese rock groups go, they're pretty good. The lead singer has a nice voice and can actually sing, which always helps. According to the CD, Ambience is: Kitagawa Hiroshi, Endo Shuhey, Iketani Tokushige, and Shinone Akihiko. I believe that this is their debut album.

This is very good, albeit short, CD. I would have liked to have more on the CD, but after having a friend search unsuccessfully for the single of "Dakishimetai Dare Yori Mo," I am very happy that the CD even exists. The 2000 yen price tag makes it worth a look. If you're an X-Men fan, I doubt you'll be disappointed. If you're an X-Men fanatic, you probably won't sleep until you add this one to your collection.

-- Charles McCarter